Financially optimize asset performance across the energy value chain with AI.

Many utilities today are facing challenges in increasing reliability and uptime metrics. For maintenance managers looking to get maintenance and operation costs under control, there are new technologies that can help: intelligent edge devices to acquire asset sensory data, and machine learning and AI algorithms to predict when an asset will fail.

Strong competition along with the pressure to lower costs is compelling power and utility companies to constantly seek ways to optimize end-to-end operations with the use of new technology. These companies are able to streamline and optimize production operations, and ensure consistency and reliability, all while ensuring operational integrity and regulatory compliance.

AegisOne’s solutions provide these capabilities, supplementing human subject matter experts while providing significant advance notice of asset health issues.

Results and Outcomes

More megawatts, less downtime.

Maximize your investments and drive more continuous power production by using AI and data-driven insights to reduce unplanned downtime and maintenance costs across your business.

Drive operational efficiency and productivity.

Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), drive world-class productivity and enable continuous improvement with Industrial AI and machine learning. Further reduce process and product variation and leverage better insights for immediate action.

Improve the reliability of your product.

Detect and resolve anomalies and defects earlier in the process, ensuring world-class quality leaves the dock. Machine learning anomaly detection is a closed-loop detection process that improves first-pass yield, reducing raw material spend, scrap and non-value-add rework costs.

Optimize your labor and energy costs.

Decrease unplanned downtime and hit production targets, reducing the need for overtime or resources for production capacity surges. Predictable production drives more confidence in capacity planning and an optimized financial operating model.

Increase asset availability and reliability.

Improve the work balance of assets and reduce costs associated with idling, starving or blocking equipment. Financially optimize maintenance strategy, applying preventive, predictive and prescriptive maintenance where it drives the most value for the operation.

Turn Data into Outcomes

You have the data to make critical decisions
about your energy business at scale.
Let us help you use that data to save millions.

Learn how AegisOne™ can help your business thrive with AI. Request a demo today!